Current COVID 19 Situation in Italy

Last night, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, extended the emergency Coronovirus measures which include travel restrictions and a ban on public gatherings to the entire country. People can travel for work, health or very urgent reasons. Trucks with freight can still travel. Our partners at ALPI are 100% operative, with trucks, warehouse, air freight etc. Although Italy is open for business, the restrictions may cause some delays.

Contingency plans for David Kirsch Forwarders and Customs Brokers

We have developed, over the course of the last few years, a solid contingency plan for our office operations. We have based it on a common sense approach to general situations where access to our office space may become limited for reasons such as extreme weather events and now, the possibility that the Covid 19 outbreak may become more serious in Canada. We have in place the ability for our staff to work remotely to ensure our business remains operational in any situation. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding shipping capacity with all of our logistics partners (steamship lines, airlines and others) and will provide updates as any new information becomes available.