Truck Transport Services
There are many options when you are shipping over the road and David Kirsch has the experience and carrier base to find the right solutions for your loads. We have the experts that will follow up and deliver your freight in a timely hassle free manner.
- FTL (full truck load) dedicated equipment and specialized through our carefully selected carrier base. We have availability throughout Canada, United States and Mexico.
- LTL (less than truck load) Kirsch has partners that consolidate our cargo at key locations like: Montreal, Toronto, Champlain NY, Laredo TX, Calexico CA and Mexico City to mention a few.
- Flatbed and oversize: For that cargo that needs the extra space, we will find the right equipment. From standard step-deck to an extendable trailer, and multi-axle configurations for heavy haul. Projects, permits, packing crating and more!
- Branches in El Paso, Laredo TX – Partnered with our agent Albini Pitigliani.
- Main city representation in Mexico.
For specific information regarding our truck transport services feel free to contact: dispatch@cey.psw.mybluehost.me